Fundamental Principles
The goal of Nippon Dental University, as an institute of higher education, is to provide broad-based educational opportunities while simultaneously carrying out specialized research into, and providing medical knowledge of, the teeth, the jaw, and the mouth, based on a proper development of intellectual, moral, and practical capabilities.
Furthermore, it is the University's mission to contribute to the development and well-being of human culture and assist in the creation of a healthy citizenry.
Educational Goals
- The creation of medical practitioners with broad perspectives and ethical principles.
- The creation of medical practitioners who are capable of discovering problems and solving them.
- The creation of medical practitioners with outstanding communication skills.
- The creation of medical practitioners capable of maintaining a lifelong interest in the latest dental developments.
- The creation of medical practitioners capable of carrying out evidence-based medicine.
- The creation of medical practitioners who possess broad knowledge and skills that are not technically biased.
- The creation of medical practitioners who are able to view oral diseases in terms of the whole body.
- The creation of medical practitioners who can contribute to the promotion of health and the prevention of disease.
- The creation of medical practitioners possessing the cosmopolitan outlook required to become world leaders.
Admission Policy
In order to fulfill the University's fundamental principles and goals, we welcome students who possess high personal goals backed by significant academic skills and knowledge, and who are richly endowed human beings capable of empathizing with other people.