School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo

School of Life Dentistry at Niigata

Appreciation for Condolences, Sympathy and Donation on Recent Disasters

Appreciation for Condolences and Sympathy
We thank the following universitis very much for their condolences and sympathy regarding the recent disaster by earthquake and tsunami in the northeast areas of Japan.

Chun-Shan Medical University, School of Dental Medicine (Taichung, Taiwan)
Hebrew University-Haddasah School of Dentistry (Jerusalem, Israel)
Health Sciences University of Mongolia, School of Dentistry (Uraanbaatar, Mongolia)
Mahidol University, Faculty of Dentistry (Bangkok, Thailand)
Sichuan University, West China College of Stomatology (Chengdu, China)
Srinakharinwirot University, Faculty of Dentistry (Bangkok, Thailand)
University of Adelaide, School of Dentistry (Adelaide, Australia)
University of British Columbia, School of Dentistry (Vancouver, Canada)
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Dentistry (Budapest, Hungary)
Universty of Hong Kong, School of Dentistry (Hong Kong, China)
University of Munich, School of Medicine (Munich, Germany)
University of Peradeniya, School of Dentistry (Peradenia, Srilanka)
University of Turku, School of Medicine (Turku,Finland)
University of Washington, School of Dentistry (Seattle, USA)
University of Wuerzburg, School of Medicine (Wuerzburg, Germany)

Appreciation for Donation
We deeply appreciate the donation from Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University to help our students and their families who lost their property due to the earthquake and tsunami in the northeast areas of Japan.

The Largest Dental University in the World

The Nippon Dental University is the only dental university that has two schools of dentistry. Comprising two campuses, one in Tokyo and the other in Niigata, it has two schools of dentistry, three affiliated hospitals, and two junior colleges, as well as a museum. At present, there are about 2,000 students, 1,000 teaching staff, and over 19,800 graduates.

Thus, the university is undeniably the largest in the world.

The 100th Anniversary of the
Nippon Dental University's Foundation

The Nippon Dental University, Japan's first dental university, was founded by Ichigoro Nakahara in 1907 under the Japanese Dental Law, which introduced regulations for the accreditation of both public and private dental schools. Dentistry was in its infancy at the time, and the purpose of establishing this school was "to foster excellence in dentists as regards their character as well as their scholastic achievements and technique." The school trained students on the medical aspects of the teeth, jaw, and oral cavity, and produced dentists with the necessary academic and technical knowledge as well as an appropriate ethical attitude. It also endeavored to introduce improvements in dental medicine and treatment, and in the general welfare of patients.

The Nippon Dental University is a private school dedicated to continuing the founder's spirit of "independence," and in 2006 it celebrated the 100th anniversary of its foundation. These one hundred years of continuing tradition and history are the reason that the school is regarded as "the fountainhead of dentistry" in Japan.